While my blog is typically light-hearted and includes updates on my kids, our house projects, recipes, and recaps of our daily life, it was created to be an outlet for me to share about our ministry.
God has given us the great privilege to serve alongside a group of precious brothers and sisters here in the U.S. at Gospel for Asia. Even more precious to me is the fact that we stand with more than 16,500 men and women who are serving on the field in Asia seeking to reach the most unreached people in the world.

Working here in our home office really is humbling--when I stop to realize the magnitude of my family being here to serve.
Last night we gathered as a staff family for our weekly prayer meeting. I always look forward to our times together.
For some of us, it's the main time we get to be together (there are quite a few of us who aren't in the office regularly b/c we have kids at home).
We spend time praying for the field and for the home office. We pray for specific countries or states in India, for specific departments within the U.S. office and the projects they are working on, and for other offices around the world (Canada, Australia, South Africa...and others).
I posted a bit ago about the violence in Orissa. Orissa is a state in India. The violence that has taken place there is horrible. To get the history, click

I cannot fathom having my house burned and my life threatened because I worship Jesus and serve Him. I can't imagine hiding in the jungle with my three children to keep us from being beaten or killed. But, my brothers and sisters in Orissa are living this reality right now!
Please stop right now and pray for the believers and their persecutors in Orissa. The violence is not only happenings in Orissa, but in other states as well. Pray for God's protection and provision, for His peace and comfort, and for His conviction (for those persecuting the believers).
The enemy of our souls is REAL. He does NOT like that many in Asia are coming to know the Truth and are choosing to worship Jesus. These persecutions are evidence that God is moving in a mighty way.
Our job here in the West is to pray and give.
Pray for them with passion--"remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering" (Heb. 13:3). If you are not heartbroken over the situation of India, ask God to break your heart with the things that break His. His heart is broken for these people!
Give as the Lord leads--"Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." (2 Cor. 9:7,8)
It is easy for me to get focused on my children, what we are eating, working on my kitchen, hanging out with friends, etc. I don't want to forget how indredibly REAL the enemy is, the struggles believers face in other countries, and my JOB.
I know the all powerful, amazing, living God who controls the universe. He created me, saved me, and has called me. How is the world can I ignore His calling to intercede for my siblings in Christ?