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This blog is designed to share about our family as well as the ministry in which we serve. I thought I'd give you an update on what we're doing these days in ministry and some prayer requests.
Joel transitioned to a new department this summer and is busy expanding his knowledge. He went to a conference in California about two weeks ago and came back with new ideas and more understanding. His team of 3 within the Web department is called specifically "web marketing". Their job is to find new ways to share about the ministry via the web. Recently Joel created a Facebook page and they are looking at ways to share the ministry via this social network.
I have doubled my hours working in the office since the twins started preschool in September. It is such a blessing to finish tasks quicker and be around the staff more throughout the week. I serve in the Church Relations department, where we seek to establish relationship with churches to share the ministry and tell more people about our work in Asia. I'm also continuing to mentor a new staff person. What a delight to invest in someone else!
The entire family continues to enjoy Tuesday night prayer and monthly all-night prayer. We cannot begin to describe the growth we have seen in our entire family in the area of prayer. It is a great joy to hear one of our children say 'I have a boo boo' and to hear an immediate response from another one 'I will pray for you'. Our children are understanding that prayer is the most effective thing we can do. Awesome!
Our prayer requests:
--finances for a second car. we were given an older car and qualify for a state program to help us buy a second car. we are praying for wisdom as we look for the right vehicle and are continuing to ask God for the finances.
--grace as we continue to adjust to a new school year. our kids can struggle with being tired, especially Rylee as she gets used to no naps during weekdays (she was napping up until the day she started kindergarten!)
--that we will give up our rights to our own lives and surrender to the call God has placed on our lives, in every way possible.
--for health. we all seem to struggle with stuffy noses and headaches from time to time, especially as allergens increase. pray we will remain strong physically so we can stay strong in the battle.