Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Carving Pumpkins

Monday, October 25, 2010
Chocolate Lover?
But, can I keep eating it? This is hard. I really like chocolate. I like cheap prices. I've been doing couponing for a few months now and sometimes I get stuff FREE. Give up free chocolate?
I think the statement I like most from Heather's blog is this:
I've read a ton about Halloween lately...who is for it, who is against it. Blogland fills up with posts taking sides on this issue. Halloween is as hotly debated as predestination. But I just wonder, if maybe Christians are totally missing the point. Here we are arguing about whether dressing up like a cowboy is satanic when the real issue might be that Christians everywhere will be buying chocolate in mass quantities this month, and the groans and the cries of enslaved children will be filling the heavens. God promises He hears them when they cry out. And who has those children's blood on their hands? Us. We can lick the chocolate off, but the blood is still there. God have mercy on your people, we can be so incredibly stupid.Thoughts? You can lick the chocolate off, but the blood will still be there. WOW!
Friday, October 22, 2010
An Upcoming Conference
So if the command is clear and the need is apparent,
why are these kids still waiting?
Click here for the conference website.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
What Weight Are You Carrying?

(see, I'm committed to not only posting flattering pictures of myself!)
Below, my friend Clara is giving a woman a free book!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
FREE book

Do you wonder what exactly our family is doing as GFA home team staff--why we are here? In a simple answer: we said "yes!" to go where God led and read this book.
Get your FREE copy today. Fill out a simple form and one will be sent right away.
What are you waiting for?
Over 150 women from around the country received their copy this weekend. Join me in praying they will now READ the book! One of the ladies at the booth next to us sat and read the entire book while we were at the conference (during the sessions when traffic to our booths was slow). What joy it brought to see her reading it and to then hear her tell others coming to her booth why they should stop over and talk to us!
Be a part of the revolution!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Orange You Glad It's Fall
Then, last week I went with Rylee's class on a field trip to the arboretum. I have been hearing about the Dallas Arboretum for the past two years, but have never before been.
I was assigned to watch Rylee and another little girl and two boys. They were all very good and had lots of fun.
They really enjoyed this cute village of little houses called "Texas Town", but we went there just after lunch and I was too tired to take pictures. I just let them run.
The kids began their day with a class on plants. They learned about the different parts of seeds and each got to plant some for future growth at home.
*I didn't include pictures of the other kids here since I don't know their parents. So, you just get an overdose on Rylee with a few shots with friends.
Monday, October 4, 2010
From Riches to Rags
It was midnight when the sound of crashing glass woke Namisha's relatives. In the darkness, Namisha had bumped into a wall and dropped a bottle of poison she was carrying—and with it, shattered the only way she knew to escape the cancer and despair that were consuming her. But she was about to learn how her quest for grace would transform her future—and how she, a member of India's revered high caste, would spend her life among people she would have formerly shunned.
As a child, Namisha Chettri had a dangerous interest. Her well-educated and curious mind latched onto the ideas she had discovered in some Christian literature she had read. She knew the white smear of ash on her family members' foreheads meant they were set apart—more holy and powerful than others in her village. And her father continually reminded her that their superior social position wouldn't allow her to consider the Christian writings.
"This is foreign," her father warned. "You should not read it."
Still, her interest deepened.
Her family's status was based entirely on tradition, devotion and ritual purity. Every year, Namisha watched her family sacrifice the heads of 100 goats. And she couldn't bring her lower-caste school friends to her house because she knew her family would reject them as unclean. Her place as a member of the Brahmin caste affected every aspect of her life, down to which side of the road she would walk on.
Christianity seemed so different.
(an excerpt from GFA's website. continue reading by clicking here)
Namisha's life and story encourage me. This story, and many more like it, are the reason I'm spending my time developing a way to share with women here in the West. I will be going to a women's conference in Ft. Worth next week to share about the plight of women in Asia and how GFA-supported women missionaries are reaching out to them. Things are moving along. This conference will be a good 'testing ground' for us. I would appreciate your prayers.
Now...go read more about Namisha and other women like her!
Friday, October 1, 2010
What's in a Name?
Girl Suggestions: Anna Carson, Anneliese, Brielle, Buella Mae, Cari Jr., Charity, Chloe (2), Eleanor, Elicia, Flowy, Melody, Micah, Selah, Sophie.
Boy Suggestions: Asher, Aston, Bob, Braxton, Caleb (3), Case, Casey, Casey Luke, Casey Luke Short, Casey Short, Darian, Davy, Davy Crockett, Enoch, Eric (2), Fitz William Darcy, Gabriel, Gideon, Isaac, John (3), Joseph, Luke, Luke Short, Matthew, Micah (2), Phineas, Ricky, Samuel, Short, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Zach, Zane.
What do you think? Suggest away! Obviously, girl suggestions don't really matter to us at this point.