We now live in Texas. (not the cooler northeast)
We got our first electric bill in our new house.
So, here is one of the changes we've made recently to help ease the burden on our budget.
That's where my post would have ended earlier. I was just going to joke about hanging out laundry. Now there's more to the story.
Remember how I said in a previous post that God was speaking specific things to me in recent messages? Well, the message on Saturday at our women's breakfast was about God's promises. One we like to not remember. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Her reminder was God's promise that we will face hard times. So great! Pastor Ken talked about this very thing in his messages Thursday and Friday. Why are we surprised when hardship comes? Not only do we live in a fallen world, but God promised we will have trouble!
Remember how I said in a previous post that God was speaking specific things to me in recent messages? Well, the message on Saturday at our women's breakfast was about God's promises. One we like to not remember. John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Her reminder was God's promise that we will face hard times. So great! Pastor Ken talked about this very thing in his messages Thursday and Friday. Why are we surprised when hardship comes? Not only do we live in a fallen world, but God promised we will have trouble!
So, what was the answer? Cling to Jesus! "For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God." Col. 3:3 One major point that BOTH speaker specifically said was "nothing can happen to me without permission of the Father." Pastor Ken said "I am the only one who can hamper what God wants to do in my life!" We usually think bad things that happen to us are a work of the enemy. Yes, he is working. I think we underestimate the powers of darkness. However, Scripture is clear that he is defeated! I, however, still struggle with MYSELF!
Our speaker on Saturday used a great illustration. A black pen represented me, a red case to hold the pen represented Christ, and a white box represented God, the Father. When I accept Christ and live my life hidden with Him, I (the pen) get placed inside the red case, and the red case is inside the white box. Anything that gets to me MUST go through the Father first. Look at Job. God's permission had to be granted.
So, though my electric bill is a matter of choice (the home we have, how we use electricity, etc), it was still a struggle for us (didn't really have that money budgeted).
Then, I went to get the mail today.

How can we ever think following God is all about rules and what you can and can't do? It is all about a loving Father who longs to know us and show Himself mighty in our lives.
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