Good question.
Really, I know some of you who support us prayerfully and/or financially wonder--what does she DO all day, every day?
So, here's today (and it's 3:30pm).
6:15am Hear a kid waking up; hear Daddy tell them to go back to bed (they went to his side of the bed today)
7am Hear Joel showering
7:25am Phone rings. Another staffer needs a ride to work. I say yes; Joel's in the shower.
Then, I hop in the shower. While I'm in Joel yells "we need to go!" He gets kids into the car and honks while I'm throwing on some clothes.
7:50am We pick up our friend, then the kids and I drop Daddy & friend off at the office.
8:05am I rush the kids into the girls room to get dressed and then to do their hair. I fill cereal bowls and sit them down to eat while I go finish getting ready.
8:45am I clean up breakfast dishes and throw together Rylee's lunch. We have to leave for preschool! I also need to make sure we have extra undies as we are potty training Jenna. Check for sippy cups (not sure how long we'll be out). Make sure Rylee has her "D" object for show & tell (the letter of the week). Grab the GFA laptop so I can swing by and get my project proofed since I'll be near the office.
9am We drop off Rylee. While inside, we run to the bathroom for Jenna. Friends give Jenna & Asa treats when Jenna announces she went pee on the potty!
9:30am Sitting in the donut/coffee shop chatting on the phone with Heather, who I haven't talked to in forever. We will be back in PA in two weeks and are trying to arrange all our meetings/get togethers with friends. We will spend a day with Heather & Paul while there.
10:30am Finish our donut holes, grab a dozen to drop back off at Ry's school for "D" day, then head to GFA.
11am I stop by Nathan's desk to talk about the photo book I'm working on. We figure out how to save it as a PDF file. I go down to the Kids Korner to let the kids play while I finish correcting some things. (Daddy let them say Hi to the writers while I was talking to Nathan. The writers were getting a kick out of the twins. And, he took them potty.)
11:45am I finish my corrections and we have to take a bathroom break as Jenna has had an accident! Stinkers! Then, we head upstairs to print a proof copy and check back in with Nathan.
12:15pm I've printed a proof, talked to Nathan, and now we're headed home for lunch.
aaahhhh...lunch! Sandwiches of leftover bacon with tomato. Joel and I stand to eat as our dining table is still full of things from our cabinets and we have yet to find three nice looking, but reasonably priced bar stools for the new island.
1:25pm We drop Daddy back off at work. Then we go park and wait to pick up Rylee. I work on our schedule for the upcoming support trip. We go in and potty, pick up Rylee, and then head home.
2:10pm Kids play with a train set they got from Simon while I put together the roast for tonight's dinner and empty the dishwasher. Jenna has another accident (patience!!!) that I have to clean up. stinkers again!
3:00pm Let's get ready for naps. Potty, clean up toys...
3:30pm Everyone's resting and I have to do emails, put away cabinet things, organize the mess on our counter, put the lights back up in the kitchen, decide when to paint the wall with yet another coat of red, and email Nathan about the profile pics.
...Thankfully all we're doing tonight is regular stuff...dinner, work on finishing the kitchen, and playing with kids!
Not every day is this crazy. But, many days are.
I'm so blessed to have my family.
I love serving at Gospel for Asia and feel honored to have opportunities to work on projects like this photo book. I also get to serve in the office one afternoon a week (Wednesdays). It is so good to feel connected to the work we do. It also lets the kids see more of GFA and know that we can all play a part in the ministry, whether we're "home" or in the office.
Thanks for letting me share!
Now...on to some pictures.
Jenna really missed it. Asa and Rylee LOVE pushing her in it!
He stops pushing her!
I moved the bricks where he's standing so they wouldn't be right under the swing.
I just love the garden parts of our yard!
It's so nice to have a backyard. I love saying "Go outside and play." They love to look for snails back here by the trees. They dig in the dirt and get messy. They find shells where slugs used to live. We want to build a little fort/treehouse for them here. After the kitchen gets done! (and as we find scrap lumber)
Sounds like a typical day to me...whew! I'm tired now. I can hardly wait to see all of you again...soon!! Very soon.
ReplyDeleteLove the backyard, too!