Rylee goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They had a Valentine's Party on Thursday, Feb. 12th. She made some Valentine's for her friends.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I know, I know. It was a month ago! I just realized I never posted any pictures.
Rylee goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They had a Valentine's Party on Thursday, Feb. 12th. She made some Valentine's for her friends.
I wrote all the words, but Rylee wanted to write all the names and sign them. She did a very good job.
We filled little baggies with gummy bears and teddy grahams and the note said "You are my beary special friend." (idea from a magazine; i'm not that creative)
Jenna and Asa were busy with a sticker book while we worked on Rylee's cards.

Then, friends joined us for some fun. We never made it out of our jammies, though. I love having friends who don't mind that we are still in pajamas at 10am.

Cody, Kyle, and Andrew were lots of fun. Cody read to the whole crew. Way to go, Cody! I snapped some really sweet shots of all three handsome boys.

And, I must admit that all the photos of me and kids being silly were retouched. I was not about to broadcast my two red zits on the blog. So, even us non-supermodels use the "retouch" button on the digital pictures every now and then. Just keeping it real!
Then, on Friday, we went to a Valentine's party at the church. The kids had lots of fun eating snacks, decorating cookies, playing games, and dancing.
Rylee goes to preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They had a Valentine's Party on Thursday, Feb. 12th. She made some Valentine's for her friends.