I like silence.
But, my blog has been waaaaaay too silent!
Well, let's see. Sick kids, pregnant mama, Christmas preparations, running a house with 6 people in it (we had a live-in house guest for the last month), laziness. Yep, that about sums it up.

So, what have we been doing? Hmmm...

I honestly thought I wouldn't have anything to post because we haven't done much. Umm, not true! My days just keep running together so I forget how full life has been.

In early December Joel and I took an official tour of the hospital where we will be having baby boy within the next 6 weeks. Then, on December 12th, the kids took their sibling tour. They were cute to watch. They looked in the very empty nursery. Babies don't really go there often; they stay with their mamas the whole time (which I love). And, Rylee said with a little surprise, "You mean, my mom's going to sleep here? [answer: yes] Well, who's going to stay with us?" [nurse: I'm sure your parents have that planned.] uh...yeah, we should get on that!

What else have we done? Well, do you see that funky looking wooden square thing pictured above? It's called a Learning Tower. They are crazy expensive. Just google it. Basically, it's something you can use so your kids can stand at counter height instead of using a chair/stool. Joel found this one at a resale shop nearby for $40 and knew it was worth much more. So, he bought it. I just listed it on craigslist this weekend and made $35 on it. Yeah, I'm that person. I could have made even more, but I wasn't crazy about keeping it in my garage (along with tons of other things) any longer. We also got the kids new beds and are trying to sell these.

We have changed their beds/bedrooms more than any other room in the house. [When we moved into this house just 2 1/2 years ago, the girls had a twin and crib, then a queen and crib, then just a queen, then bunk beds, then these two twin trundle beds, now a low loft and sort of bunk that will one day be a very low sitting bottom bed in an L shape. Does that make sense?]

Asa had a crib, then a twin trundle, and now the same low loft bed as the girls. Here's their new beds. (Asa has been in the girls room until this weekend. He'll go in there again as we have company for Christmas. Then, he'll be back into his room until the baby is ready for the crib. Then, Asa will join his brother once the littlest one is sleeping through the night. Is that confusing?)

Soon a crib will be joining Asa's room and a changing table will take up residence in a corner of my bedroom.
I've been sorting and washing baby clothes. Very exciting! I used a gift card from sweet GFA ladies and got a snap 'n go stroller off craigslist last week (plop your car seat right into it; very cool; always wanted one of these before).
Yes, I use craigslist A LOT. Sold/selling: learning tower, Asa's head/footboard, girls beds. Bought: 2 low loft beds, stroller. That's just what I've done in the last 2 weeks. I {heart} craigslist and buying/selling used items!

We attended Jenna & Asa's Christmas performance at preschool on Tuesday night. It was the sweetest script about the colors of Christmas. Green and red - everlasting life and the blood of Jesus.

It's absolutely precious to me to hear my kids grasping deep truths through fun ways.

We also put up some outdoor decor.

Joel made the nativity set and we got these big lights from a friend. Our icicle lights were borrowed earlier in the year and we didn't get them back until late last week. The house would be prettier with those lights, but I don't know if we'll end up hanging them or not. With 70 degree weather coming to visit for the next 3 days, we will probably take advantage and add to the glitz.

Oh yeah, Rylee's school performance was back on December 2nd and then that weekend we tried to enjoy the downtown festivities. The kids each took a turn tubing down a snow hill...then we left. They were melting much faster than the blown-in "snow".

See what I mean? We've done a lot more than I realize. I just haven't taken time to tell you about any of it.
Now I have. And, as I was uploading photos of the kids' new beds, guess what? I found about 4 other things to blog about just in the other pictures that were on my camera. Oh, my!
wow, no wonder I haven't seen you :O) Miss you friend!!!! And I love those loft beds!!!