In typical Fletcher fashion, we headed over to one of our local Chick-fil-A restaurants last night for dinner. I say typical fashion because the kids dressed as princesses and a pirate. The location near us does Family Night each Tuesday and this week they offered a free kids meal to any child dressed as a pirate or princess. Hey, hey...of course I'll be there!

Even better--they also offer (every Tuesday) a free kids meal when you purchase a combo. So, Joel got a combo and I got a free kids meal for dinner too! You simply cannot beat eating Chick-fil-A for dinner when you can feed your family of 5 (or 6, depending on how you look at it) for under $6!

Yep, call me cheap. I choose to say "frugal" or "thrifty".
And, speaking of eating...
I just finished sewing up a nifty little nursing cover for myself.

With little man's due date just 10 days away, I figured I should prepare to be feeding him! I used a simple baby's blanket with Rylee, but I've heard that was so "yesterday" when it comes to being a cool mama. With the twins...yeah, there was no covering up when I was nursing them. Actually, I tandem nursed at home and then did one-at-a-time if we were out somewhere. But, given that I only nursed them for 10 weeks, we weren't 'out somewhere' very often. And, again, I used the "so yesterday" blanket.
So, now I can feed this little man with style. Isn't the fabric pretty?

Wanna make one for yourself or someone who's expecting? Head on over to
Freshly Picked and use the tutorial; it's free! {I might come back and say never mind, but right now I'm thinking I would have made this about 3-5 inches less wide and not used such a large space between the straps and such a long piece of boning for the 'peep' top. But, as I said, I might like it just the way it is once there's a wiggly little one under there.}
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