Rylee Kay turns 7 years old today. It doesn't seem possible.

I'm a numbers person. I find patterns in things and like when numbers sort of make sense in patterns and such. Call me weird, whatever. So, when I was being induced on April 19th, 2004, I wasn't so crazy about that date 4/19/04. I liked the 4 of '04 part. Am I a bad mama to say I still wasn't thrilled that it wasn't a cooler day, like the 4th or 14th or 24th?

Fast forward a few years. I was cleaning out some papers and came across the certificate I signed in 1998 pledging to sexual purity (part of a program I directed called The Silver Ring Thing). My dear friend Heather had also signed it, as my accountability partner. Heather was with me in the delivery room when Rylee burst into the world. I looked at the date we signed the covenant...April 19th.

Imagine that! Rylee was born exactly six years after I signed that covenant. It was the start of a great 7th year in my book!

Happy Birthday Rylee Kay Fletcher! April 19th is one of my most favorite days of the year!
Adorable photos. Happy birthday, Rylee!
ReplyDeletethat is so awesome to see how the Lord did that with her birthday!!! Happy Birthday Sweet Rylee!!!!!