I didn't take a single picture after we got dressed for church today. But, Jett was wearing this outfit yesterday, then it got washed and he wore it again today for Easter. So, here you go. Jett in all his Easter cuteness....with his "scrunchy" face.

I took pictures of our early morning Easter focused breakfast treats, though. These are called "Empty Tombs" (or Marshmallow Delights).

You take a white marshmallow, which represents Jesus (purity and sinless perfection), talk about him being crucified, then he was anointed with oil (roll the mallow in butter) and spices (cinnamon sugar mixture). He was then wrapped in cloths (crescent roll --dip the top in butter/cinn sugar and place in muffin pan). They placed him in a tomb (oven at 375) and sealed it with a large stone (close the oven). Bake for 13-15 minutes. Talk about how the disciples were sad and were left just waiting and wondering.

When the oven timer goes off, we checked the tombs and they were EMPTY! We read the Resurrection story from our
Jesus Storybook Bible (perhaps one the very best books I've ever read and my absolute most favorite kids Bible).
Then, I didn't take my camera out the rest of the day. We went to church and spent time with friends.

But...yesterday we went to our church's egg hunt outreach at the apartments where we used to live.

Some new friends who just arrived in Texas joined us and Asa's best buddy from school came!

The kids had a great time getting lots of candy, eating hotdogs and popcorn and cotton candy, jumping in the bounce houses and just running around.

Jenna and Asa sweetly obliged me as I asked them to pose for a picture with the bunny. We stayed at the party until the very end and the kids helped deflate one of the houses.

I hope your Sunday was spent reflecting on the amazing gift God has given us. Jesus loves us. He demonstrated His love with an incredible sacrifice and then conquered death and the grave. My sins are forgiven and I am righteous because of Christ's sacrifice and my trust in His atonement on my behalf. I am no longer an enemy of God, but He is my friend. I pray you know this Love and had a wonderful day celebrating.
He is risen! Jesus is alive!
Happy Easter!
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