
Friday, October 12, 2012

Seven Weeks Ago...

We started school.  

Rylee is in 3rd grade this year.  So is Mama.  She's teaching at the kids' charter school.

Jenna and Asa are in 1st grade.

Jett is in preschool on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Not pictured:
Daddy is in seminary.
Nana is teaching high school part-time at a private school.

I was told the first six weeks would be absolutely full and busy and all those reports were absolutely accurate.  I love being back in the classroom and can't believe how much I thoroughly enjoy teaching elementary school!  I never (in a million years) would have thought I'd be teaching elementary, but God has a very neat way of giving us heart desires and making things work so well.  There is no place I'd rather be.  I had to spend a lot of time thinking and praying through the transition from being home full-time to working full-time, but knowing I would be with three of our children and more involved in their lives made all the difference.  When our family needed me to work, God made a way and worked it out so much better than I could ever have expected.

I'm teaching Reading/Language Arts and Social Studies.  The reading portion is definitely the most critical.  We have a state assessment in reading for this grade.  So, not only is this a whole new ballgame with a different age group of students than I was used to teaching, but I'm in a completely different subject, as well.  I have a wonderful group of coworkers who have been very helpful.  I've also been involved with the school as a parent, and actually am serving on the PTO Board this year.  I feel like I've just stepped it up a little more.

And, I cannot explain how much I just love the kids I get to teach every day.  We took an all-school field trip today and I had some moments of just watching the kids have fun.  I reflected in those brief moments and was in awe at how much love the Lord has given me for my students.  I'm sure part of it is the fact that these are all Rylee's classmates and have been for the last four years.  But, they are just an incredibly sweet group of kids.  It is an honor to get to teach these precious kiddos and have an influence on their lives.  I pray every day that the Lord would use me and show His love through me.  I'd appreciate your prayers on my behalf to that end, as well.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures Megan. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying your teaching job. :) ~ Maddie
