My (Megan) dad and stepmom came to visit us last week. It was such a blessing to see them. It had been way too long! We stopped in NC to see my family on our way to Texas when we moved here. That was in November 2007--about 18 months ago. Daddy & Ann are also known as Granddaddy and Grandma/Grandma Ann/Annma...the kids called her many different names; I'm trying to get Annma to stick, but we'll see! My kids have 2 younger cousins that live in NC and they haven't figured out exactly what she'll be called yet. I'm sure it will evolve. It was fun to hear all the different things they came up with. I especially liked that Charlotte has called my daddy "G-Daddy"! That was funny. They arrived on Monday night just as the kids were getting ready for bed. My kiddos were so incredibly excited to see their grandparents. We let them stay up a bit and visit. They toured the house (that doesn't take long) and the kids showed off a few things. Then, we all settled in to rest. Tuesday we took them to downtown Dallas, then to the Dallas Zoo. It was lots of fun to watch them enjoy watching the kids. I think my dad enjoyed the zoo as much as the kids did! The weather made it a perfect day to be out strolling around. Most people who visit downtown Dallas stop to see where JFK was killed. There is also a memorial for him. The old Red Courthouse is a nice building and there are fountains nearby that shoot water into the air. Pillars designed to keep cars off certain places make nice jump-off spots for toddlers.I was trying to post everything at once, but we packed our two days full of activities. So, there will be a part two coming soon. We had a blast!
i love how the twins are enthralled with the fountains!