On My Bedside Table:
My Bible
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace; I'm just starting it
On My TV:
Nothing right now.
On the Menu for tonight:
Taco Pie
On My To Do list:
Take a shower and get dressed. Sweep all floors and mop kitchen. Work this afternoon.
New Recipe I Tried Last Week:
Cranberry Pork Loin. It was delicious. Another successful meal by Kristin as she teaches me to freezer cook!
In the craft Basket:
Cross stitch for a friend. Make my India picture album.
Looking Forward to:
Easter celebrations this weekend. My dad and stepmom coming to visit next week.
Homemaking Tip for this week:
Spend time organizing things. It really does make life easier.
Favorite Blog post of the Week: (mine or other):
Her Hands online book study for women. I'm going through this with a friend and it's great!Favorite photo from last week:
Lessons learned the past few days:
I must obey the Lord regardless of what someone else thinks. If I sense the Lord has told me to do something and it's not contradicted in His Word, I need to obey. Others may not understand, but I don't answer to others. I answer to the Lord alone. I also need to be very careful not to judge what others are doing. They also answer to the Lord alone and not to me.
On My Prayer List:
Ginger (going through cancer treatments), our missionaries in Asia, Betty (who I met yesterday and needs a job), Ann (needs a job), quite a few others
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verse:
Her Hands had us read Psalm 119. Good passage! I'm also starting a study with my LIFE group girls by Cynthia Heald called Becoming a Woman of Excellence.
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