We dressed up as pirates for trick or treating. (all except Daddy, that is)

We went to a fall festival at the church where Rylee's school meets. It was quite crowded, so we didn't stay long.

We stopped by Taco Bell to get everyone a free taco (they were giving away one of their new Black Jack tacos to each person...very nice cheap dinner). Then, we went to see if we could find our friends, the Davids. They were already out gathering candy, so we let the kids go door to door in their neighborhood for a bit. They got loaded up with goodies! Then, we stopped back by to see the Davids and say hi before heading home. Once in our neighborhood, we hit up a few houses before we called it a night. The kids absolutely LOVED getting candy from all those strangers. At one point Rylee said "Mom, it is so much fun to get candy from all these people!"
we were at our church's fall festival too, except from 7-8:30. mom and dad worked the cotton candy booth (dad got covered with pink fluff) and clara helped at an inflatable. i went around gathering candy with alexa and sarah powell. i was a nerd. deb from napoleon dynamite.
ReplyDeleteGreat costume idea! So cute!
ReplyDeleteYou guys looked so cute! What adorable little pirates...you too!
ReplyDeleteI love the costumes. What a great family time.