Thanksgiving morning we had the privilege to deliver food to some families through Mission Arlington. Arlington is about 30 minutes southwest of where we live in the metroplex. We delivered a box of sides and a large turkey to each family. Very neat way to spend the morning!

Like many Americans, we spent the days after Thanksgiving eating leftovers from the big meal, enjoying days off work/school, and putting up Christmas decorations.
I even woke up early and went to a store at 5am for Black Friday shopping.
Gasp! I saw a few things that were already on my list (a very short list, mind you) and the prices were too good to pass up. Besides, I had never braved a Black Friday early morning shopping trip. At 31 it was about time!
My friend Corie Anna and I headed out right at 5 and went to Target. I like to get the kids jammies every year. This year they had a good door-buster deal. I got sets for all 3 kids and bottoms for Joel. They were out of the matching bottoms for me. I said to Corie Anna as we got in line to check out "Wouldn't it be so cool if there were a pair of the plaid bottoms for me right by the register?" You won't believe me...there were! Right on top of the Coke case! My size and the right pattern to match the other 4. So hilarious. That little extra blessing made getting up that early worth it for me.
We also hit up a sale at a kids consignment place and I was able to get the girls Christmas dresses for way cheaper than I could have bought them anywhere else between now and when they'll be wearing them. I like that!

We hung lights on our house Saturday. (We have a "funny" out front.) We scored lots of lights last year from someone on craigslist, who either had too many or was sick of hanging them out each year. We strung them out front from the roofline, on bushes, and then out back around the fence and on the kids tree fort. They love it! They were running around outside singing "Christmas, Christmas time is here!"

And, today we put up our Christmas tree. The kids were hilarious with their excitement, again. We let them hang the ornaments. That's always fun. Needless to say, our tree is well decorated on the bottom half! I'll add some more to the top tomorrow.

We hope you're getting in the Christmas spirit!
Wow...can't believe YOU got up to go shopping at 5 am!! Wonders never cease; glad you got pj bottoms too!! I had to look twice to make sure that wasn't Joel hanging from the top of the roof...too funny!! I see why I didn't talk again....we'll talk soon!