I don't really make resolutions. I learned long ago that they were pretty pointless (for me).
Last year our pastor encouraged us to abide in the new year. I saw a friend's blog where she talked about a word for the year. Those two things coincided in my head and I basically decided 2009's word for the year was "Abide". My goal was to work on abiding in Christ--sitting at His feet more, walking by the Spirit, and remembering that apart from Him I can do nothing.
I guess I have to say it was a "success" in many ways. I won't ever get it right all the time. But, I saw growth.
Instead, I think I just want to keep asking. God, what do You want from me this year? How do You want me to spend my time? What do You want my priorities to be?
Great, wise post, Megan. Thanks.