I hope you had a great weekend. The Fletcher family has been having some fun. Christmas morning was full of excitement as we hunted through the house to find baby Jesus. We ate birthday cake, read the Christmas story, found treasures in our stockings, and opened lots of presents. Our friends and family from far away blessed us all!

The kids love their new Tag reader. Their fascination of books is a great blessing to us. We try to do everything we can to foster their love of reading. They got new bed sheets--in really fun character prints. Spiderman, Prinesses and Dora will greet them at bedtime each night!

They all got new-to-them bikes! We went out riding on Saturday afternoon, though Rylee's training wheels have yet to be put on.

I received sewing machine. I'm excited to be able to mend things myself and even get a little creative. Joel got some clothes and things for his work space in the garage.

We are incredibly excited to be able to give a sewing machine and bicycle to those less fortunate in Asia through
GFA's Christmas Gift catalog. We thought these two items were fitting with the gifts our family received this year. What a joy to know as my kids ride their bikes in the days, weeks, and months ahead that one of our GFA missionaries will be riding his--sharing the Gospel from village to village more easily! And, as I sew and mend, a woman in Asia will be able to make a living for her family's vitality because of her sewing machine! To those who blessed our family--thank you! You have enabled us to be a blessing.

Unfortunately, our kids are feeling a little under the weather, so we've stayed pretty close to home for the rest of the Christmas weekend. But, at the request of Uncle Chris, Joel's cousin, we made a fire in the backyard and roasted marshmallows for s'mores tonight!

We've also had lots of yummy food. Be sure to check out our recipes on
our food blog.
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