We went to Back-To-School Night yesterday. We delivered the incredibly heavy load of school supplies I had to get for the three kiddos who will start on Monday.
We had to supply: 4 packs construction paper, 3 pair scissors, 6 boxes crayons, 4 bottles glue, 14 glue sticks, 60 pre-sharpened pencils, 3 reams of copy paper, 7 spiral notebooks, 3 personal dry erase boards, 19 poly plastic pocket folders, 4 packs of washable markers, 4 boxes of dry erase markers, pencil box, ruler, headphones, journal, 2 sets of handwriting paper, erasers, 3 packs of loose-leaf paper....and that doesn't include the paper products they asked for! Oh, I should have taken a picture of their stuffed backpacks!
We filled out the same info over and over again. But, I'd rather every person know how to reach me than not!
The kids each met their teacher and found out which other kids will be in their class. We had some squeals of excitement and a few sad moments. But, overall, we are well pleased with what this year appears to hold!
Thanks to the uniform swap, I have a few more polo shirts for Asa. I've been busy trying to organize all their uniform pieces and set up a system to make mornings easier. Three kids with uniform sets, a baby who might still be sleeping when they get dressed, and a mama who doesn't care for mornings...we
must have a good system!

I can't believe that in just 72 hours I will have a 2nd grader and two kindergarten students!
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