Yeah, I don't really do those blog theme days (works for me Wednesday, Friday funnies, Monday meal plan). But, I don't have much to blog about, so this is what "works for me" and it happens to be Wednesday!
I was playing with my old digital camera and snapped this shot of the kids all laying around one morning. This has been our day every day for the last few weeks...some dressed, some in jammies, playing with baby toys, sharing, ...ha! This lasts about five minutes.

Then, they get bored with it.

Mr. Jett is sitting up quite well these days. He's ready to take off crawling any day. He gets up and rocks. I imagine he'll start crawling as soon as the big 3 go off to school next week. Speaking of school...five more days!

What? What does this train table have to do with anything? Well, it's really the reason I wrote "works for me". Cute, isn't it? Joel found it curbside about a year ago. We had it in Asa's room. Then, I moved it when we put Jett in there. It's been in our front living room since then. It's big. Too big. And, Asa's more into Legos than trains. So, I'm going to get him a much smaller table soon. But, in the meantime, I sold this baby for $40 on craigslist! Not bad for a piece of "trash", eh? Yes, I have no shame. It's not like I picked it up solely for the purpose of reselling it (that was Joel....he picked it up). I, on the other hand, used it for a long time and then decided it wasn't working.
I {heart} craigslist! In fact, I've got about a dozen other things listed right now. The same day I sold this, I also sold some no-longer-needed-by-us baby items. I can buy the stuff we're going to need for the next phase. Never. ending. cycle!
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